Just kidding of course...
I have not posted this because i seem to have a couple of post that i need to put yet so this is going to be lengthy.
But i did woke up with the dogs barking, it's because mum was talking to the mailman. I have a package delivered straight to our house. OMG! This is the 2nd time that it was delivered..How awesome!
Mum gave me the box together with another slip indicating that i have a parcel to pick. Yipee!
I immediately tore it open & out came goodies from Miss Yaya. I won a couple of her contest & these are the prizes..w00t! w00t!
Yep, a lot of stuff there. She even sent me the Revlon Fantasy Length in Intensifying. I actually used it today & i freaking love it!!!! I just wish it's available here in the Philippines though.. I sure would love to be able to get some more.
My first Korres stuff... it's the Soft Eyeliner pencil in Black. It's really khol..i guess this is khol since its great. Just like Lancome Le Crayon Khol!
The Pixi palette is awesome. This palette is No.13-Lavender. Packaging is really sleek!See how thin it is. It doesn't take up a lot of space, but it still has a nice selection of colors. I used it today & it's great!
I love everything! Thanks,Miss Yaya!
My mum asked me to run an errand today (that's why i get to try some of the stuff that I received). I was about to go out the house when Kuya Xend arrived for another parcel. This is turning out to be a good day, i said to myself!
These are what's inside...

More aquazorb towels! I went to Shangri la the other day & went to the Aquazorb stall & asked if they have these (3 in 1 face towels). They said that they don't carry this anymore, so when i saw a multiply seller selling this, i immediately bought some myself. I also included the Cyleina Black Pearl...the one that i keep on hearing good feedbacks.
Let's see if this is equipped to handle my blemishes...
*Acne Update*
Im able to keep my acne from flaring up...I guess my new skin care routine is working! Will post it some day when im sure about it.
Going back, I ran an errand, went to some malls looking for some random things. I passed by 1 store saw a lipstick stand & i bought it so that my babies would have a new home...
& here they are!

It's pink & it matches my case!
& the best thing is that it's sooooooooo cheap...

See that?! it's only Php 66 (approx $1.25)...oh the one on the right is the pack of fimo clay to be used for my nail arts... Yipee!
I read it from Nikki's post. I have Fimo clays before, but its so big because i use it for scrapbooking so i bought a smaller one at Ebay.
Will do a nail post sometime using these.
Last but not the least, I bought the Neutrogena Wave at Nikki's blog sale. I said i also wanted the Avon Magix Perfector but it was already reserved. She is so kind to let me buy 1 of her back-ups. She included a lot of freebies..Thanks,sissy! i love everything!
& speaking of Neutrogena Wave, did you know that they have an ongoing promo?
Neutrogena is giving a fifty-percent discount for its Deep Clean Foaming Pad refill pack upon purchase of the Neutrogena Wave starter kit from January 28 to February 24, 2010.
This is a good way to experience Neutrogena Wave. I actually like it, I've been meaning to do a review of it.
Today is a bit tiring because i spent half of my day walking..but then with everything that i got, i won't complain!
Well, that's it for today!
Hope y'all have a great day,hunnies!
Jaa ne~!