I'm not feeling well. I've too much on my plate this week & i guess it took a toll on me. Yesterday was one of the best day ever because i met up once again with my nail buddies. A day full of laughter (literally! because i am suffering the hangover of too much laughing, if there such a thing..lol!) is definitely something worth reminiscing.
Anyway, this is for my week 4 giveaway.
Same rules apply: (numbers 5-8 are just for additional entry but it's not required)
- Just answer the question that is posted. (required)
- Follow my blog. (required)
- You have to LIKE HBC's facebook page . Make a post about this giveaway on your facebook. Make sure you tag HBC & On Beauty Stuff & What Else's so that we can see it. (required)
- Leave your complete name, email address & the link of the post that you made on the comment box (required)
- Like my Facebook page (additional entry)
- Tweet the giveaway (additional entry)
- Blog about it (additional entry)
- Add me on your blogroll (additional entry)
Win the set of blush on the poster. One winner will be chosen as best answer & the other will be drawn randomly.
Color me mine. Rosy blushes that define a natural looking flush. A week of beautiful smiles await you.
A few swirls of blusher livens up pale cheeks. It also helps shape your face. Your blusher shade should mimic the natural color of your cheeks. Smile and apply blush on the fleshy part that pops up and you’re good to go.
Not sure which blush to wear? Fair skin goes well with rose blushers while apricot or bronzers are a sure hit for dark skin. Powder blushers are usually best for oily and combination skin which makes San San Cheek Blushers handy with four great shades that are waiting to uncover the real beauty in you. All you have to do is answer this week’s question:
Who makes you blush? (Post a photo of this person and your short “blush” story). Happy Beautiful Christmas!
Will announce the winners of my week 3 giveaway tomorrow.
Hope y'all have a great week!
Jaa ne~!