I'm very excited to bring you a giveaway on which i have been given the privilege to host. One lucky lady will be receiving a $100 gift card. Isn't that awesome?!
This giveaway is sponsored by
The $100 gift card is redeemable in these sites:
You can win a chance to burn $100 choosing products to your liking. Isn't that the greatest?! It's better than winning something that you're not sure you can use. This will give you a chance to use products that you really wanted.
Let's go to the mechanics of the giveaway: (Open to everyone)
- 1 point - Be my follower then leave your email & username
- 1 point - Be SkinCareRx's Facebook fan
- 3 points - Sign up for their newsletter (found at the bottom of their site)
- 10 points - Make a blog post about this giveaway. Make sure you include La Roche-Posay in it (& link it to the site) & should contain a minimum of 100 words.
*im a follower - Thiamere/thiamere@kuririnmail.com (username & email)
*im a facebook fan - Thiamere Brea (your username)
*i signed up for their newsletter - thiamere@kuririnmail.com (your email)
*i blogged it HERE - the link to your blog
This will make it easier for me to check each entries for validity. Again, JUST ONE COMMENT, ladies.
Contest will run for 14 days (June 6-19), so you have ample time to do everything on my list. Winner will be chosen at random. Winner will be contacted by SkinCareRx. She should respond within 48 hours else it would be given to another. I'll be following the Philippine time for this contest so please make sure that you get your entries on time.
So, what are you waiting for?
Start clicking now!
Jaa ne~!
wow a gift card! hope i win! i'm a follower of your blog (ethel.merioles@gmail.com) and SkinCareRx's facebook fan, and i've also just signed up for their newsletter!
Unfortunately I cant write a 100-word post. :-S
im a follower - Denysia Yu/Denysiayu@gmail.com
im a facebook fan - Denysia Yu
i signed up for your newsletter - denysiayu@gmail.com
I'm your follower as Helena :)
I'm your follower of course(Anastacia) E-mail:requesttoanastacia@yahoo.com and a fan of SkinCareRx on facebook (AnastaciaPark).
im a follower - rhumbafrapp/ joyceongco at yahoo dot com
im a facebook fan - mary joyce co
i signed up for your newsletter - joyceongco@yahoo.com
i'm a follower. rosey/hmwaah@yahoo.com
Wow! Congratulations on your giveaway!
Lots of love,
Oh my! first to comment...first comments are unlucky spots hehehe but anyway
im a follower - Louise/mrlcachuela@gmail.com
*im a facebook fan - Louise Cachuela
*i signed up for your newsletter - mrlcachuela@gmail.com
*i blogged it HERE - http://syry-online.blogspot.com/2010/06/win-100-worth-of-beauty-products.html
congrats on having a sponsored giveaway sis! big time na u! :P
im a follower - C.D.M /cdm65atmail.com
*im a facebook fan - Claudia Mcgee
*i signed up for "their" newsletter - cdm65atmail.com
awesome giveaway - thanks for the chance!
I'm a follower - luckyfinds
I'm a facebook fan - emiliana sison
email: emiliana.sison(at)gmail.com
signed up for the newsletter -
blogged it HERE -
I am a follower - enticinbabydollx@aol.com enticinbabydollx
A follower
Username: Shin Eun Ae
Email: krischias@yahoo.com
A facebook fan
Username: Krischia Saporsantos
I signed up for their newsletter
- I'm a follower - saccharine0158 saccharine0158@gmail.com
-I'm a facebook fan - Sugar Lagamayo
- I signed up for their newsletter - saccharine0158@gmail.com
Hi HUn~ :D
Im a follower<3
Good luck!!
*I'm a follower - joanne.j
joanne.j at hotmail dot com
*I'm a facebook fan - Joanne Anne
*I signed up for their newsletter - joanne.j at hotmail dot com
*I blogged it HERE - http://shining000.blogspot.com/2010/06/win-100-worth-of-beauty-products.html
Total points: 15
Goodluck everybody, I'm a follow and my email is clueless_babii@hotmail.com ;D
*im a follower - sherry /sherrygo at hotmail dot com (username & email)
*im a facebook fan - isherrygo (your username)
*i blogged it HERE - http://iluvcontest.blogspot.com/2010/06/win-100-worth-of-beauty-products.html
*im a follower - luvwendy87 / luvwendy87 at hotmail dot com
*im a facebook fan - June Wendy
*i signed up for their newsletter - luvwendy87 at hotmail dot com
*i blogged it HERE - http://winwinwinw.blogspot.com/2010/06/win-100-worth-of-beauty-products.html
hi thia (^_^)
im taking part..
im a follower (rhaindropz) and my email address is rescueta@gmail.com
followed you on FB (Rhania Escueta) and signed up for newsletter (rescueta@gmail.com)
hugs and kisses
Fabulous giveaway! :)
1. I follow on Google Friend Connect via Twitter "Deanna G."
calidreamin87 (at) gmail (dot) com
2. I'm SkinCareRx's Facebook fan "Deanna Gentry"
3. I'm signed up for their newsletter:
calidreamin87 (at) gmail (dot) com
Im a follower - maaauuuuuuu/mau_miravite(at)yahoo.com
I'm a facebook fan - Mau Miravite
I signed up for their newsletter - mau_miravite(at)yahoo.com
Thanks a lot and more power! :*
Huge giveaway!
hope i could win.
i am a follower of your blog.
Username - ks sn
email- kssn31@gmail.com
*im a follower - lelila/lel912 at yahoo dot com
*im a facebook fan - sol villmayor
*i signed up for their newsletter - lel912 at yahoo dot com
hope i'll win.. Thanks Thia for this.. love love ♥
*im a follower - Laine/laine_pablo14@yahoo.com or laine.anne14@gmail.com
*im a facebook fan - Laine Pablo
*i signed up for their newsletter - laine_pablo14@yahoo.com
*i blogged it HERE - http://laineanne.multiply.com/journal/item/21/Win_100_worth_of_beauty_products
-im a follower - eileen/aileengirlreyes @yahoo.com
-im a facebook fan - Eileen Grace
-i signed up for their newsletter - aileengracereyes @yahoo.com
I'm a follower! But I don't use facebook cuz it's blocked on work computer though -_-
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